Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dream Big

Another post by John Gault

Do we dream big?  Do we settle?  At what point along our journey do we give up?  I never thought I’d be where I am in life.  My beginnings were humble, growing up on a farm.  Now, I work on teams with high-energy, scientist and engineers.  It wasn’t a quick or painless journey to arrive at this point in my professional career.  I worked really hard at it.  I’ve built my expertise by growing from the lessons learned from one project to apply them to the next project.  Honestly, I never dreamed big enough.  I never considered this career.

I wonder where we would be as a country if each of us dreamed big, then applied ourselves to making that dream a reality.  Fulfilling dreams often requires a lot of hard work and tenacity.  We, as a society, spend a lot of time talking ourselves out of our dreams before we start.  We can build an extensive list of why our plans will fail just to justify accepting where we are and why it is our destiny.  Either we don’t have enough money, live in the wrong time or place, don’t know the right people or haven’t been blessed with the skills.  We then settle, wrap ourselves up in the comfort of mediocrity and pass through life as an inconsequential member of society.  

Not that we don’t each influence outcomes, affect others or hold a job, and raise a family.  But shouldn’t we aspire for more than Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes of fame as a measure of a successful life?  Accepting the “hand you’re dealt” is a copout.  We each have gifts, skills and abilities that can change the world.  I wonder, if you picture yourself on your deathbed, would you be satisfied that you accomplished all that you wanted and you were ready to go?  If not, list those things that come to mind and build a plan to accomplish them. Build your bucket list, no matter how unlikely you are to accomplish them.   

Another important measure of a life is realized when you ask yourself who will be with you at the end of your life?  Will you be surrounded by a roomful of people that love you?  If not, grow or fix those relationships.  Holding a grudge is such a waste of time and energy.  I know some people that are experts at holding grudges for the tiniest slight.  I’ve watched this behavior fester and grow, depriving those people involved of happiness and opportunities.    

So, do we settle or do we aspire for greatness?  Could you dream even bigger?  Do you have plans to accomplish everything on your bucket list?  I’m building my bucket list.  I want to travel the world.  I haven't bought tickets, but I have a list of places I want to see and I am saving money towards that goal.  I’ve researched travel, languages, customs and maps.  Also, I’ve got a list of projects to do when I have more free time.  I’ve done my research, found some college classes to take to hone my skills.  Now, my priority is finding ways to positively influence others and to build relationships.  I hope to help others grow towards their potential.  I hope to remove barriers and find solutions.

I’ve started dreaming big again.  Once I retire, I don’t want to live on my past accomplishments.  That makes me a has-been, which is only slightly better than a never-was.  I think I will go back to college.  I plan to volunteer in areas that revitalize the dreams of our senior citizens and grow the dreams of our youth.  There will be more, I just haven't dreamed it all yet.  

So, what are your dreams?  More importantly, what are you doing about them?

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