Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Judging the Stereotype

In a recent speech, President Obama stated that the black community’s experience with racial disparity in law and social prejudice influenced their reaction to the George Zimmerman trial verdict.  He gave examples of those social prejudices:

“There are very few African-American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me.

There are probably very few African-American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator.

There are very few African-Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off.”

I can’t pretend to understand how it would feel to be a black man in this country.  I can imagine I would also be angry if I were treated in the way he described in his speech.  But I started to wonder about the reasons why people might react the way the President described when dealing with a stranger who happens to be a black man.

Do people follow black men in department stores because they are bigots?  Do people lock their doors or clutch their purses because they are racist?  Or are these people passing judgment based on a stereotype?

While my experiences are nothing like those the President mentioned, I’ve been judged based on stereotype.  I am a white male and speak with a southern accent.  I’ve had people assume, because of my race, my gender, and my speech that I am both ignorant and racist.  In fact, I am neither, but until someone talks to me and gets to know me, they have no way of knowing that.  I would venture that most people are influenced into believing the stereotype of the ignorant, racist southern male because of incidences in the South during the Civil Rights movement or what people see on TV or in movies, and not because of their personal interactions.

What if people are reacting to what they believe are the characteristics of stereotypical black males?  Quite often, their roles on TV or in movies are as violent criminals, drug dealers, and the like, someone to be feared.  I understand how someone would be hurt and angry to be judged based on a stereotype instead of their own character.  Instead of being angry at society for judging, wouldn’t it be better to change the stereotype?

I can assure you that I present myself in a manner that dispels any indicators of ignorance or racism.  Most of the time, I am well groomed, well dressed, and well spoken.  My parents taught me to be polite and courteous, regardless of race.  I have a college education.  I avoid the use of racist language and don’t tolerate its use by others.  I hold myself accountable and I believe it shows in my demeanor and my actions.

The President mentioned trying to help black youths by saying, “how are we doing a better job helping young African-American men feel that they're a full part of this society and that -- and that they've got pathways and avenues to succeed?”  I don’t think he really understands that more social programs aren't the way to change the stereotype.  In order to change the stereotype, leaders of all colors need to encourage personal responsibility and education, and speak out against the negative influences in the media and society, especially those negative role models in music, cinema, and sports.  If we hold people accountable for their actions and encourage positive character traits, perhaps President Obama’s experiences will be a thing of the past.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Truth and Consequences

As a Scoutmaster, I quite often get questions from my scouts concerning current events.  One of my scouts asked me why Paula Deen was fired after admitting she had used racist language long ago when so many others use similar language without punishment.  This particular scout is a stickler for obeying the rules and the fair and impartial enforcement of the rules, so the Paula Deen situation seemed unjust to him.  However, his final comment really caught me off guard.  He said, “Seems to me she didn’t get fired for using racist words, she got fired for telling the truth.”

Sometimes telling the truth has unpleasant consequences.  And, quite often, the truth is unpleasant. Unfortunately, when it comes to race relations, it seems that no one wants to hear the truth.  I understand that for some issues, truth stems from the perspective.  I feel that race relations in this country are strained to a greater degree than I can remember.  I believe this is partly due to a media willing to underreport some stories and willing to sensationalize other stories.  But, I think the biggest culprit is a society that is so straight-jacketed by the tenets of political correctness that it is unwilling to speak their truth for fear of being labeled a racist.

George Zimmerman, labeled by the media as a “white Hispanic”, was found not guilty of second degree murder charges in the death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen.  Both the police, who investigated the death and declined to press charges, and the jury found that Zimmerman acted in self-defense.  After the verdict was announced, there were several protests around the country about the verdict, and an NAACP petition requesting the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigate Zimmerman has over 1 million signatures. Many in the black community, including prominent black leaders, have spoken out against the verdict, demanding “justice”.  I am not arguing the verdict, only the response to the verdict.

Chicago has a homicide rate of 15.2 murders for every 100,000 population.  Statistics show that over 75% of the murder victims are black but greater than 75% of the offenders are black.  In New York City, 63% of murder victims are black and almost 54% of the offenders are black.  Why don’t we see protests against black-on-black crimes?  Why hasn’t the NAACP started a petition to request the DOJ do something about black-on-black crimes?  Aren’t these deaths as important?

In this country, black student high school graduation rates trail both Hispanic and white student graduation rates.  Fifty two percent of black students graduate from public high schools in four years versus a graduation rate of 78% for whites.  Many blame policymakers, educators, and legislators for the low graduation rate. 

Studies show more than 70 % of high school dropouts and more than 80% of incarcerated youth come from fatherless homes.  However, 72% of black children are born to unwed mothers while only 29% of white children are born to unwed mothers.  Why aren’t more prominent black leaders speaking out against uninvolved fathers or unwed mothers?

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks have an incarceration rate six times higher than whites.  Some will blame imbalance on a racist justice system. But DOJ statistics show that a disproportionate number of blacks are committing crimes that result in incarceration, not racial bias in the justice system.  Why aren’t people speaking out to stop the commission of crimes?

It’s time we stop blaming racism for these problems and start recognizing that many of the troubles in the black community, as well as other communities, are results of personal choices.  Drug use, criminal behavior, absentee fathers, and lack of education continue the cycle of poverty, regardless of race.  Although it may be politically incorrect to state it, the plain truth is that disparity in income, education, and opportunities between the races is more often the result of people’s behavior and choices, not how they are treated.

We need to stop worrying about being politically correct and start calling for accountability.  No more passing the blame and spawning a frenzy in the media.  We need to think beyond the teleprompted, coiffed newscaster on the evening news and seek an understanding of the real issues for ourselves.  People of all races need to realize that personal responsibility, hard work, and education are the pathway to success in this country.  Being accountable for our actions is a truth that will be unpleasant to many, but true nonetheless.  If we fail to recognize this truth, I fear for the future of this country. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Flyover States

I recently had the opportunity to drive through some Midwestern states with a group of teenagers. We were able to see some really beautiful parts of this country and meet some really nice people.  We also saw some not-so-nice areas and not-so-nice people.  I am glad the kids had an opportunity to see a different part of America and thankful for the discussions we had as a result of our travels.

A recurring question in our discussions was “Why would anyone want to live here?”   To answer that, we focused on what would attract people to a region or cause people to stay once the area began to decline.  As we discussed these things, it became clear to the kids that, while we are all Americans, we have different values and appreciations for our surroundings and environment.  And, while our preferences differ, we all have the liberty to move to a new a neighborhood, state, or region to suit those preferences.  It was great to see the kids appreciate a liberty they had long taken for granted.

During our drive, one teen asked about the term “flyover states” and what it meant.  Fly over states are those states in the middle of the US that are not travel destinations, but are flown over by travelers seeking a more attractive destination.  When we explained the term, he replied, “Isn’t that disrespectful to the people who live there?”  Over the last few weeks, I’ve thought a lot about his reply.  He’s right, it is disrespectful, or perhaps I should say that the term is dismissive of the value of the land and the people who occupy those flyover states.

Those flyover states are homes to farmers that produce the corn, wheat, dairy products, and other agricultural products that we take for granted.  These flyover states are home to those companies and employees that put food on our grocer’s shelves, develop pharmaceuticals that save our lives; provide us with transportation, entertainment, insurance, tools and heavy equipment, even Big Macs.  These states, just like every other state in this great nation, are important.  And, it’s up to us to make sure our elected officials know that the country, as a whole, is important, not just a few states.

As intelligent voters, we must be cognizant of those issues that affect us all.  That requires us to be educated on the national issues, not just the hot button or regional issues. And, we must demand of our Congressmen, our Senators, and our President that they address these issues.  We must get past seeking solutions that are good for the South, the Midwest, or the Northeast.  Instead we need solutions that benefit the country as a whole.  It is time to remember that we are the United States, not red states or blue states, not border states or flyover states.  Tell your elected officials to do those things that benefit the United States.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Two hundred and thirty seven years ago, the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, a formal documentation of the Resolution of Independence approved on July 2, 1776.  It began a grand experiment in self-governance, declaring “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  A radical notion in a time when monarchs ruled by a belief in divine right, this document became an inspiration and blueprint for other peoples seeking to overthrow tyranny.

One might ask what is there to celebrate on this 4th of July.  Our government is rocked by numerous scandals, Benghazi, IRS targeting of conservative groups, and NSA phone surveillance, just to name a few; a Congress that hasn’t passed a budget in nearly four years and passes legislation such as Obamacare without bothering to read it,  taxes are increasing  and unemployment is still high. More and more people are beginning to view the President as incompetent according to recent polls.   It seems as if the Federal Government is a mess and our elected officials aren’t leading us anywhere but into a downward spiral.

This great nation has faced, and overcome many problems in the past.  Wars, slavery, economic depressions, terrorist attacks, internal strife, all overcome because we've pulled together as a nation.  And we can, and must overcome our problems again or our “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” may just become a footnote in history.

As you celebrate today, remember the words of Abraham Lincoln, “Let us re-adopt the Declaration of Independence, and with it, the practices, and policy, which harmonize with it. ... If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union: but we shall have saved it, as to make, and keep it, forever worthy of the saving.”

Happy Independence Day!