Friday, January 9, 2015

Je Suis Charlie

by John Galt

Free speech was brutally attacked in Paris.  Terrorists killed 12 in an attack on the office of the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo.  Someone took offense at their satire and took lives.
Remember the childhood rhyme “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!”    My parents taught me to let the words roll off my back because sometime somewhere someone’s words will offend me or will be counter to my own thoughts.  Other than my feelings, when nothing else is hurt, get over it.  Why escalate a perceived slight into violence?  

We have warnings on movies and music CDs that warn us of the content.  If we don’t like a show on television, we can change the channel or turn it off.  If we don’t like what someone says, we can tune them out, walk away or avoid them.  We have choices.  People get offended, but it is their choice to be offended.  A long time ago, someone told me that no one can make me mad, I choose to be mad.  When you get right down to it, yeah, I could as easily chosen otherwise.

But when someone makes a choice to be offended, then escalate their discord to violence, that is so outside the bounds of social etiquette that it is barbaric.  What is even sadder is it seems this was done to vindicate a slight to their prophet, a prophet that was referred to in the Quran as a “mercy to the worlds”.  There is no honor there.

I don’t agree with all that is said; not by a mile.  When the Westboro Baptists protested soldier’s funerals, by no means did I agree.  But rather than hating them and escalating a response into violence, we rallied around the soldier’s families and shut them out.   I chose to get mad, but I reacted by voicing my disgust and joining the wave of honorable people that spoke out against them.  There are more of us than there are haters in that church and we too have a voice.  As the adage goes, fight fire with fire.  

We are involved in wars to give people the right to free speech.  We protest when our rights to free speech are challenged.  Today, we must rally around the world’s right to free speech, even if you don’t agree with the message.  Charlie Hebdo was quoted as saying, “I’d rather die standing than live on my knees."  Today, I am Charlie because I have the right to deliver a message.  And, as always, you have the right to tune me out or change the channel.  But today and every day, je suis Charlie.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hope for a New Year

It’s been far too long since I last posted a blog.  I could give you a myriad of excuses for why I haven’t posted, but the fact of the matter is, I’d written so many posts that focused on negative things and events going on in this country, I’d simply lost hope. It’s a sad statement, but it seemed the country was going in the wrong direction, too many rude people, and other bad things that I just wondered, what’s the point?

Not long ago, one of my Scouts was trying to complete his Communications Merit Badge.  One requirement is to plan and prepare a script and serve as master-of-ceremonies for a troop program; this Scout chose to do a flag retirement ceremony to satisfy the requirement.

This young man is a very conscientious person and I expected him to do a good job of planning it.  He didn’t disappoint; he made sure that his ceremony was respectful and complied with all the rules of flag etiquette.  He’d even gone so far as to read the federal law (Chapter 1, Title 4 of the US Code) pertaining to the display and respect for the US Flag.

What surprised me was not his behavior, but the behavior of the other Scouts who participated in and observed the ceremony.  There was no talking, no horse-play, just sincere respect for the flag.  Even the younger Scouts, some of whom couldn’t sit still even if you stapled them to the chair, stood at rigid attention showing the proper respect.  No one had to tell them to behave or stand still or stop talking.  They recognized, of their own volition, that retiring the colors of this country deserves dignified and respectful behavior and they acted in such a manner.  If an 11-year-old can recognize when such behavior is warranted and behave appropriately without an adult reminding them, maybe there is hope for this country.

With the turn of the New Year, I hope to write more, especially more on positive subjects.  And I hope to make you, the reader, think more and inspire you to be an active participant, not a passive observer, in our communities, in politics, religion, and life, in general.

Happy New Year!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Habla Ingles?

A middle school principal in the Hempstead (Tx) Independent School District (ISD) has been fired for reportedly announcing over the school intercom that students were to refrain from speaking Spanish on school premises.  While some parents supported the principal, others have deemed her ban as racist.  Either way, it’s another sign of the divisiveness of the country.

One person interviewed during the controversy stated, “I think she [the principal] was trying to get the students to understand that they are being taught in English, their state testing is going to be given in English, all of their tests say you will answer in English.”  A mother of one of the Spanish-speaking students told KHOU 11 News that, “you’re handicapping our children. You’re telling them you can’t speak Spanish, and you can’t have anyone translating for you.”  But does a ban on speaking Spanish in school really handicap them?  Test scores would indicate that the answer is no.

According to the Texas Tribune, a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization, the Hempstead ISD has approximately 1500 students.  Over 48% of the students are Hispanic.  Only 57% of the Hispanic students passed the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills standardized tests and 34% of Hempstead students were deemed college-ready in both math and English language arts; both results are below the state average.  Yet, Hempstead ISD spends more per student than the rest of the state.  Could poor language skills be the reason for poor test scores? And do the test scores matter?

Of all immigrants, those from Mexico are the largest group according to the Migration Policy Center.  Nearly 40% of Mexican immigrants worked in unskilled labor and were more likely to live below the poverty level than other immigrant groups. However, about 71% of all Mexican immigrants had limited English language skills, compared to 51% for all other immigrants.  Of the 10 largest immigrant groups, Mexican immigrants are the least assimilated, according to a Manhattan Institute study.

If immigrants can’t communicate in English, how can they acquire better skills, pursue higher education, or interact effectively with others?  The fact of the matter is, they can’t. And, quite often the burden falls on the rest of us.  Mexican immigrants are more likely to be on welfare, have a higher rate of teen pregnancies, and a higher rate of incarceration than any other immigrant group.  While those costs may be obvious, there are other hidden costs that we as consumers have to pay.

How many signs and labels do you see printed in both English and Spanish?  The printing isn’t free, so who pays for it? For every product you buy that has a bilingual label, the cost of that label is part of the price tag.  The price for every bilingual sign on a store front or advertisement is part of the price tag of the product or service you purchase.  It may only be a few pennies, but over time the costs adds up. And all consumers pay those costs, immigrants and native-born alike.

Was the principal being racist? Probably not, but she could have done a better job of communicating why she wanted students to speak English in school.  And if she truly wanted the students to become more fluent in English, then she’s simply being a good teacher; the more fluent they are, the better the test scores and the more opportunities for advanced education and employment.

As I did my research for this blog, I couldn’t help but wonder this; if an immigrant is unwilling to assimilate into American society, where does his or her allegiance lay?  Do they identify more with the country of birth or the United States?  If not with the US, then why are they here? George Washington, in his Farewell Address, wrote, “Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.” 

When large segments of the immigrant population fail to assimilate into American culture, there will be divisiveness. For as St. Augustine observed, “When men cannot communicate their thoughts to each other, simply because of difference in language, all the similarity of their common human nature is of no avail to unit them in fellowship.” Although no official language is mentioned or contemplated in the Constitution, English is the prime language of the US.  It’s time America became the melting pot again.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Poor Choices

Another post by John Galt

Recently, I read an article honoring people for performing acts of service to their communities.  It is inspiring that so many want to help those less fortunate.  One story caught my eye, not because of the honoree, but because the condition exists in this country—many kids in this country don’t have enough to eat.  The article honors the local churches that provide students on free lunch programs with food for the weekends.  Although they get breakfasts and lunches at school during the week, they may not have food over the weekend.  According to the US Department of Agriculture (, in 2013, almost 20 million students participate in the free lunch program.  The number has doubled since the 1980s.  I wonder if this is a measure of our country’s economy, or of people’s choices.

What would cause a family to live below the poverty line?  Well, if you get down to it, it is all about our choices.  In a society that rarely holds itself accountable; we blame others for our condition.  What if we saved up to go to college or to learn a trade rather than spending our money on cell phones and status, showy purchases?  What if you pursued a degree that is in demand and would afford a comfortable lifestyle rather than a degree that fills a square, but nothing more?  I’m not slamming history majors or psychology students, but without advanced degrees, what are your employment options?  In many cases, an in-demand junior college trade degree will give you earning potential and a flurry of employment offers at graduation.  Consider the value of your education dollar.  Have you seen what an electrician or plumber makes an hour?  And for half of what your bachelor’s degree in British Literature cost you.  Education opens doors to opportunity, probably more than any other factor.

We have to get past demanding instant gratification.  You don’t need the biggest, best, shiniest bauble in the store window.  You don’t need the latest iPhone.  Looking up the latest scores or notifying the world that you just stuffed your face at an expensive restaurant on your facebook page doesn’t have to happen right this second.  You don’t need a new car; you need a quality means of transportation.  Most $50 sneakers are just as good as the $200 brand.  Why pay $100 for a pair of jeans if you can buy quality below $20 a pair.  It’s a choice.  Credit card debt is not a badge of honor.  It is a strike against you and a notice that you are unable to manage your money.  Save up for something that matters, something that will improve your life, not just impress your friends.  Consider your needs, not your wants and make a choice. 

Personal choices aren’t just about money or education.  Teenage pregnancy alters your life by taking away choices.  Losing your virginity at an early age is not a badge of honor and it doesn’t define you as a man or as a woman.  Parenting responsibilities change your priorities and the course of your life. Oftentimes education has to wait while you work to feed your family.  Sometimes you just drop out of school and demands keep you from ever going back to school.  Some people choose drugs or alcohol over education or their job.  Addiction can consume them, destroying their health and their prospects.  Still, these are personal choices.

There are some factors that are out of our control such as the loss of manufacturing, technology and research jobs in this country, natural disasters like flood and drought, and crime.  We should honor those that render aid and those that pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and try again.  Americans are a resourceful lot.  I hope that our economy will recover and spawn new jobs that grow our economy.  I believe that we will always render aid to those affected by natural disaster and by crime. 

Notice that I didn’t say anything about anyone owing you anything or spreading the wealth.  I don’t agree with entitlements.  They make people weak and willing to accept handouts.  Reliance on handouts and entitlements will never lift you over the poverty level.  The math just doesn’t work.  Taking charge of your own destiny and self-reliance are the key to success.  That used to be an attribute of the American spirit.  Over the years, it has been replaced with political rhetoric creating a divisive mistrust between the haves and the have-nots.  Just as it is a crime to break into my house and steal my hard-earned money, it is a crime to force me to pay into entitlement programs.  I don’t get a say in either situation.

So, is it choices or the economy that determine the amount of poverty in this country?  Although the unemployment rate has declined in the last year, job growth isn’t in high-paying jobs; it is service industry and retail jobs.  These aren't the kind of jobs that grow the economy of a country.  A poor economy drives up crime rates and the use of drugs and alcohol.  Those factors either directly or indirectly affect our society. 

The answer to the causes of poverty in this country is not all one or the other.    Maybe the key is hope.  A society mired in a poor economy can lose hope and stop trying to succeed.  Without hope, people throw away their choices and search for an escape or instant gratification from shopping, sex, alcohol, and drugs.  Maybe without hope we just live for today and not for tomorrow.  Without hope, our society doesn’t aspire to something better or create opportunities to do great things.  We fail to look beyond the end of our nose.  Without economic growth, poverty will continue.  Distrust and dislike will grow between the perceived haves and have-nots, fueled by rhetoric and the media.  We have to stop this slow, painful demise of the American spirit before it is too late.  

Friday, April 25, 2014

American Spirit

I’m no longer a runner and the only races I watch anymore are when my family members are participants.  But, after last year’s Boston Marathon tragedy, I was interested to see how Americans would respond at this year’s Boston Marathon.  What I found out was the things that made America so great are still alive.

I can’t imagine the terror people felt after the bombs, left by two cowards, exploded.  In spite of the terror and tragedy, this year more than a million people lined the race course and there were 9,000 more entrants in this year’s race than last year.  One runner, when asked why he was running after last year’s events, responded by saying, “I’m running to make a simple statement: Acts of cowardice will not stop me from exercising my rights as an athlete and a human.” Some of this year’s runners were last year’s victims; they showed that Americans may get knocked down and hurt, but they don’t stay down. 

It’s a sweet irony that this year’s winner of the men’s division is the first American to win the Boston Marathon since 1983.  Meb Keflezighi, who was also the first American to win the New York Marathon in 27 years, when he won it in 2009, is an American success story.  Keflezighi emigrated with his family at the age of 12 from Eritrea, to escape poverty and war.  In a post-race interview, he said, “my life would have been a soldier. I would have been dead in the war. The life that I have is just beyond my dreams.”

Keflezighi trained long and hard and used his talents to run a smart race, putting himself in a position to win.  Did his win involve luck? Probably so, his best marathon time was two or three minutes slower than some of the other entrants.  But he ran every step of the way; no one did it for him. His win shows that hard, hard work, talent, perseverance, and a little bit of luck leads to success.  But his career also shows us that even with all those things, success is not guaranteed; how many races did he enter and not win?

When asked how he would respond if he received a phone call from President Obama, he said, “Thank you for the opportunity that the US has given me.”  And that’s all anyone should expect, opportunities and equitable laws.  Everyone who ran the Boston Marathon ran the same distance.  No one was allowed to start earlier than others or run a shorter distance or given any advantage over other runners because of some disadvantage or quota.  The same rules applied to all runners.

Obviously, not everyone could win.  Not everyone has the same level of talent or ability.  Not everyone trained the same length of time or with the same intensity.  And some runners were injured or beset with other problems like exhaustion, things that sometimes happened in spite of their preparation.  Because of those things, not everyone will have the same finish.

And there are different goals and definitions of success.  Some entered with a goal of just completing the race.  Others raced to set a personal record.  Although there were different measures of success for each race participant, the rules were the same for everyone giving all an equal opportunity to achieve their definition of success.  That’s the way it should be in our society.  No one should be given an advantage over others, all allowed to compete with the same rules as everyone else.  No quotas, no discrimination, just a common set of rules applied to all.

Another example of the American Spirit occurred near the end of the race.  A runner collapsed from exhaustion just blocks from the finish line.  Four runners stopped to help him, physically carrying him across the finish line.  No one ordered them to help him and there were no rules that said they must help him.  Their kindness and compassion, not government intervention, helped a runner cross the finish line when he had exhausted all his ability and energy, and could go no further.  More importantly, he started the race and went has far as he was able.  He didn’t demand that they carry him the whole race and was grateful for the help he received.  I wish more in our society were grateful for any assistance instead of demanding more.

America is the land of opportunity.  Not everyone will have the same success or level of success.  But when the rules are the same for all, at least everyone has opportunity to cross the finish line.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Don't Think We're Weak

by John Galt

Don’t think because we have a weak, ineffective president that this country is weak.  The majority of Americans support the right to own a gun.  “Don’t mess with Texas” bumper stickers adorn many of the automobiles in the state, and they mean it.  Although many states aren’t quite as overt, we all take our freedoms seriously.  Regardless of our leadership, we, the American people, are a force to be reckoned with. 

This country is founded on the desire for freedom and the willingness to endure great hardship to obtain and maintain freedom.  Regardless of the political bickering that seems to have mired our political leadership and allowed this country to languish over the last four years, we, the people are not so inclined.  Polls show that we are dissatisfied with our leadership, or rather, lack of leadership.  The economy is still drowning, unemployment is still high, and any growth in technology has stalled.  Seems our country is biding our time until the next presidential election.

The thing is, our leadership has forgotten that they work for us.  Where they lead, we may not follow.  They serve at the pleasure of the American people.  If we feel threatened, regardless of their position, don’t expect us to cower passively in fear.  In our country’s history, when the government was unable to maintain the freedoms of the people, the people formed militias to protect ourselves.  So, do the math.  People with guns.  Add people with a strong sense of country.  Add an outside aggressor.  And what you get are united states, or rather, The United States of America. 

With all that is going on with Russia, and other aggressors in the world, don’t think us weak.  Hopefully, calmer minds will prevail and sovereignty will be restored.  But, if aggression should spread in our direction, a sleeping giant will awaken.  Our leadership should never put our freedom and safety at risk in their dealings with other countries.  Those in our leadership we consider ineffective should start packing when elections roll around.  If they display a sense of weakness or remain passive as terror plays out across the globe, we won’t wait until elections.  So Americans, if you think our leadership should deal differently with the situation in the Ukraine or with other aggressors, send them an email or call their offices and make your opinions known.  They work for us.

Friday, April 18, 2014

A Taxing Proposition

My aunt was a very cost-conscious shopper. I can remember, as a kid, riding all over town just so she could save a nickel on a loaf of bread or a dime on a gallon of milk.  Now, I’m not inclined to drive across town just to save a nickel, but I do want to get the best quality at the lowest price.  I don’t think any of us want to pay more than we absolutely have to for bread, milk, or anything else for that matter.

Now imagine, if you will, a store that charges you for a loaf of bread based, not on the cost of the bread plus any profit the store hopes to make, but on the size of your salary.  Would you shop there?  I know I wouldn’t.  What if the price of the bread and the size of the loaf were dependent on the size of your salary?  The more you earned, the more expensive the bread and the smaller the loaf?  Sounds crazy, right?

Unfortunately, that very thing happens.  Instead of paying for bread, consider how we are paying for our government through our income taxes.  The more you make, the more you pay.  And chances are good that the more you make the less government services and benefits you require so the less you get.  Recall that there is a large segment of the population that receives more benefits from the federal government than they pay in income taxes.  And if you are the thrifty sort that saves or invests the money you earn, an interest or dividends earned are also taxed--a double taxation.

Under our current tax laws, we punish the successful and the thrifty by taxing their gains.  Doesn’t that undermine the incentive to work, save, and invest?  And our tax laws are so complex that the IRS estimates that 16 hours is required to collect information and complete the 1040 tax form, or costs, on average, $152 for a tax professional to prepare the forms.  Add to that the cost of the IRS itself, more than $11 billion, and it should be apparent that our tax system is defective.  We tax those that work more than those that don’t, and the entity that reviews the tax collection costs billions to operate.

There are lots of ideas about how to fix the tax code.  Some say close the loopholes; others want a flat tax, a tax rate that is the same regardless of earnings.  Others want to raise the tax rate on the rich, although the definition of rich is a somewhat ambiguous, depending on who is lobbying for it.  These are all attempts to repair a tax code that is fundamentally flawed.  Personally, I like the idea of a national sales tax.

The Cato Institute ( has long been an advocate for a national sales tax to replace the current tax codes.  Their proposal is to scrap the individual and corporate income tax, the capital gains tax, and the estate and gift tax with a national sales tax on the final purchase of all goods and services at the retail level.  When you buy goods or services, a federal tax will be collected at that time, just as state and county taxes are collected now in most areas. Their proposal includes a universal rebate for every household that, in effect, exempts consumption up to the poverty level.

Furthermore, the state revenue departments of the 50 states could collect the revenue, which is sent to a small agency within the Department of Treasury to fund national assets.  The IRS would no longer exist; its budget available for other government agencies or left in the pocket of the taxpayers.  Because the national sales tax would tax only spending, there would no longer be a double taxation on savings or investments; this would make more money available for economic growth.  It would also simplify corporate taxes, negating the need for armies of accountants and tax lawyers and would make business capital easier to acquire, further stimulating economic growth.  Simply, if you choose to make a purchase, expect to factor in the tax.  If you don’t want to pay the tax, don’t make the purchase.

A national sales tax has a lot of attractive features.  It would make savings and investing much more attractive, stimulate economic growth, and virtually eliminate the IRS.  But there is one subtle feature of a national sales tax that I particularly find attractive.  Under the current tax code, taxes are withheld from your paycheck before you receive it, so it’s not obvious to most American’s just how much they pay in income taxes.  With a national sales tax, the cost of the federal government is printed on the receipt; everyone will know the costs.  When you see the cost of the federal government in each purchase, we may be more inclined to demand a smaller, more efficient government.  Do the research and then contact your Senators and Representative and let them know what you think about the IRS and a national sales tax.  Maybe, then April 15th becomes just another day.