Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hope for a New Year

It’s been far too long since I last posted a blog.  I could give you a myriad of excuses for why I haven’t posted, but the fact of the matter is, I’d written so many posts that focused on negative things and events going on in this country, I’d simply lost hope. It’s a sad statement, but it seemed the country was going in the wrong direction, too many rude people, and other bad things that I just wondered, what’s the point?

Not long ago, one of my Scouts was trying to complete his Communications Merit Badge.  One requirement is to plan and prepare a script and serve as master-of-ceremonies for a troop program; this Scout chose to do a flag retirement ceremony to satisfy the requirement.

This young man is a very conscientious person and I expected him to do a good job of planning it.  He didn’t disappoint; he made sure that his ceremony was respectful and complied with all the rules of flag etiquette.  He’d even gone so far as to read the federal law (Chapter 1, Title 4 of the US Code) pertaining to the display and respect for the US Flag.

What surprised me was not his behavior, but the behavior of the other Scouts who participated in and observed the ceremony.  There was no talking, no horse-play, just sincere respect for the flag.  Even the younger Scouts, some of whom couldn’t sit still even if you stapled them to the chair, stood at rigid attention showing the proper respect.  No one had to tell them to behave or stand still or stop talking.  They recognized, of their own volition, that retiring the colors of this country deserves dignified and respectful behavior and they acted in such a manner.  If an 11-year-old can recognize when such behavior is warranted and behave appropriately without an adult reminding them, maybe there is hope for this country.

With the turn of the New Year, I hope to write more, especially more on positive subjects.  And I hope to make you, the reader, think more and inspire you to be an active participant, not a passive observer, in our communities, in politics, religion, and life, in general.

Happy New Year!

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