Friday, October 11, 2013

Will of the People

There is a lot of finger pointing over who is to blame for the government shutdown.  President Obama has accused the House Republicans of using extortion and Senator Harry Reid has called the Tea Party “anarchists” and “obstructionists.”  In a recent speech, President Obama said the Speaker of the House, John Boehner is to blame for the shutdown.  “There will be no negotiations over this. The American people are not pawns in some political game. You don’t get to demand some ransom in exchange for keeping the government running,” Obama said. 

Doesn’t the President understand the situation the government is in?  According to Wikipedia, President Obama taught Constitutional Law for 12 years.  How could someone teach Constitutional Law and not understand the Constitution?

Article 1, Section 7 of the US Constitution reads, “All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”  It further states, “If he (the President) approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it.”  So, not only is the House part of the process, but also the Senate and the President.

The House of Representatives, according to James Madison, is the immediate representatives of the people (until 1913 and the passage of the 17th Amendment, members of the House were the only directly elected officials).  Accordingly, all revenue bills must originate in the House.    The House has continuously submitted appropriations bills, but the Senate Majority Leader has refused to allow a Senate vote on such bills.  In 2011, Senator Reid declared it would be "foolish for us to do a budget" (Wall Street Journal, October 30, 2012).  That implies that the Senate, not the House is the source of the problem.

The House has sent four different appropriations bills to the Senate, which has voted against every one of them.  Just because these spending bills do not match what the President or the Senate want them to be does not mean that the House should be characterized as obstinate or obstructionist.  There is nothing in the Constitution that requires the House to pass legislation that makes either the Senate or the President happy.  It’s not about what they like; it is all about what is good for the people of this country. 

The House, whose representation is apportioned based on population, is the instrument of the people.  To prevent one branch from becoming supreme, to protect the "opulent minority" from the majority, and to induce the branches to cooperate, government systems that employ a separation of powers need a way to balance each of the branches.  That’s the beauty of the US Constitution, its insistence on a separation of powers.  And our Founding Fathers gave the power of the purse to the House because it is the only body that is directly answerable to the people.

James Madison wrote in Federalist Papers, 58, “This power over the purse may, in fact, be regarded as the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people, for obtaining redress of every grievance, and for carrying into effect every just and salutary measure.”  If the House decides it wants to defund or delay Obamacare, that’s its prerogative.  The Senate may reject or approve the House measures. But, it cannot deride the House as being obstructionists if they are effectively representing the will of the people, regardless of the will of the Senate or the President.  The President can veto any legislation coming from Congress, but there is nothing in the Constitution that requires the Congress to be complacent or compliant with the desires of the President.

Obama seems to forget that the will of people, not the desires of the President, is what governs the country.  In the media, you will hear a lot of debates about who is responsible for the shutdown.  Since 2004, the Senate has repeatedly failed to pass any appropriation measures.  The roadblock is not the House, but the Senate and the President, whose will they deem more important than the will of the people.

Remember, it is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, not a government of the parties.  It’s time that Obama and the Senate realize they work for us, and not the other way around.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Are You All That?

by John Galt

Are you really all that?  When did we stop being humble?  When did we stop looking at ourselves through the eyes of another?  Just imagine how different you would act if you could see yourself as others see you. 

Do you really drive as well as you think you do?  I bet you don’t.  Put the cell phone down and stop texting when you drive and look around at the drivers near you.  I used to love driving, but now, it is down-right scary.  Someone is either following too close, running red lights or stop signs, swerving into my lane, pulling out in front of me, or making erratic movements.  When I get a look at the driver, they are usually preoccupied with something other than driving and act as if no one can see them inside their car.  If I called them out on their driving errors, would they be humble?  Unlikely.  I bet there would be an ugly altercation and they would be defensive of their actions and unlikely to take my observations to heart and drive more courteously.   

And don’t get me started on my snap-judgment of you when you flick your cigarette butt out the window or dump your ashtray in the street at a stop light.  It’s trash.  It’s littering.  It is a sign of self-centered disregard for people and the environment.  Would you want that trash on your yard?

One simple act of courtesy is sadly lacking in today’s drivers and that is the wave.  You know, when you let someone into traffic they are supposed to give you the wave that acknowledges that you courteously gave them an opening in traffic when you didn’t have to?  More often than not, people fail to give a wave of appreciation and don’t acknowledge a courteous act.  Gives me hope that there are still good people out there when I get the wave.

Are we humble when we enter a room or do we take a seat at the head of the table?  When I was a kid, only the head of the household would sit at the head of the table.  It was a place of honor and respect.  When I was invited by a friend to meet his family for dinner at a restaurant, I made a conscious decision on where to sit.  I knew that his dad should sit at the head of the table and it would be presumptuous to sit there.  So, I sat last, in the open seat.  I knew better.  I knew my place and how I would be perceived.  It was a courteous act.  I was humble.  I had a fantastic time at dinner.  By the way, humble is often a good first impression.

When you talk on a cell phone in a public place, how do you appear to those around you?  Confident and tech savvy?  Not likely.  People probably think you are loud, rude and have no class.  We don’t want to hear the juicy bits of your love life or what you think of everyone.  It doesn’t make you popular, it makes you annoying and self-centered.

When you don’t practice good hygiene, wear clothes that don’t fit or your undergarments are exposed, people make unfavorable judgments.  The same is true when you speak in slang or profanity, demonstrate poor manners, or act pushy or self-centered.  You cannot blame others for how they perceive you, right or wrong, it is something that you must own.  Is your appearance the real you or do you hide behind a facade to get attention?  Think about the message you are sending.

Be the person you want others to see in you; the one that can stand the test of time.  Don’t try to be the center of the universe all the time.  Fame and notoriety are fleeting, and seldom have positive outcomes.  Good, honest, and humble gets noticed for all the right reasons and that attention lasts more than the theoretical “15 minutes of fame.”  Look at yourself through the eyes of someone you care about and see yourself as they see you.  Make changes to be the person you really want to be.
Care about other people.  Thank someone when they do something nice for you.  Keep your private life private.  Be courteous of the people around you.  Be a supporting character in the life of someone you care about, not the center of attention.  Life isn’t a sprint, it is a journey.  Sometimes, maybe, just maybe, nice guys and gals finish first.  See you in traffic; I’ll be the one giving you the five-fingered wave.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Guilt-free Diet

by John Galt

I need to lose weight.  I’ve been adding on a few pounds here and there and now it is affecting my health.  Although I could lose a few pounds, I’m not talking about body weight.  I’m talking about the baggage that I carry around that keeps me from sleeping, adds stress to my life, and leaves me frustrated. 

We all have baggage.  Whether it is the failings of our kids, the guilt from our parents, unfulfilled dreams or the uncertainty of our economy, we tote it all along with us and it wears us down.  Eventually, we wear down and wear out.  My baggage has been growing for years.  I lug guilt and frustration like a draft horse.
Remember when you were a kid and your biggest constraint was not tracking mud in the house?  The world was yours.  The outdoors was a magical place to roam without a care.  At night, you slept soundly while dreaming of spacemen and cowboys, princesses and spacewomen.  Everything was possible.  No worries were carried from day to day.

What happened?  When did we become the ones responsible for our kids, out parents, our community, our employment, and our world?  When we became adults, we took on worrying as a competitive sport.  We wring our hands and relay our latest burden to all that will listen.  Our load gets bigger until we cannot sleep, we eat to comfort ourselves, and we suffer from the burden of it all.

Well, I’m on a diet.  I have a workout plan in place.  I’m going to stop worrying and whining about my responsibilities and take action.  I might have to do some heavy lifting.  I hear it is good for the heart. 

There are things that matter and there is everything else.  As part of my diet, I’m cutting out all the things that don’t matter to me.  They don’t affect my daily life and I really don’t have an opinion on the matter, so I am not giving them another thought.  Your diet may be different.  I know that time changes our priorities, but I’ll move them to the back burner for now.  Feeling lighter already.

Next, of the things that matter, I can affect some by my actions and over others, I have no influence.  Of those that I cannot affect the outcome, I will give those to God and put them on my daily prayer list.  An example of one thing on the list is my children’s safety while driving.  They have a safe, well-maintained car and years of instruction.  I’ve done all I can except remind them of the weather conditions and caution them about construction on their route.  I put them in God’s hands.  To think I can do otherwise is folly.

Of those things I can affect, those are my new workout routine.  I am working out a routine that takes action to resolve the weight I carry around, weight contributed by each and every worry in my life.  I’m changing the way I eat and adding exercise rather than complaining about my weight.  I’m going to prioritize what I need to accomplish at work today and this week, set realistic goals, and get moving on my plan.  For the people in my life, I will work to teach them strategies to help them to be more independent.  I cannot keep trying to do so much for others.  It is killing me and how will they survive without me?  How about they learn how to survive without me and I am still here?  Self-reliance is a good thing.  I will still be here to champion, guide, mentor, and coach.  That will free up time to enjoy my time with family and friends, not the harried rush in and out of each other’s lives, torn between to-do lists and errands.

I’ll still have plenty to do.  I’d love to have more time to volunteer at the organizations that benefit my community.  I’d love to spend time with family sharing the accounts of our days and not worrying about how I am going to fix their challenges.  I’d like to spend my time helping to find solutions, not fixing their problems.  Oh, the possibilities!

The area that is still undecided is my country.  For that, I don’t have a plan for action, yet.  Although I am only one voice, I still believe I can affect change.  The condition of this country is probably half the extra weight that I carry and the majority of my frustration.  It affects every aspect of my life and all of my relationships.  I want so many aspects of the country to be different.  I want less crime, less government entitlements, fewer taxes, better national and cyber security, and an economy that stimulates better jobs, especially in research and technology. 

I have a long list of worries about the country because they affect my daily life.  Has the poor state of the economy increased crime such that it is unsafe for my parents to live alone?  Can they continue to afford their bills?  Will the divisive nature of race issues in this country put my children at risk simply by the color of their skin?  Are they safe from conflicts between the perceived “haves” versus “have nots” about which that politicians rant as the root of evil in our society?  Will my kids be able to get a job commiserate with their education when they graduate from college?  Am I safe in my neighborhood?  Will I have a job tomorrow?  Will this country be the best it can be again?

If I didn’t have hope for the future of this country, I’d toss my concerns in the “don’t care” pile and walk away.  But, I still believe that the US can return to her glory.  For that, I have carried my concerns as worries for the future.  Now, I’m going to put together a plan and trade my worries for actions.  Worrying about the state of the country isn’t doing anyone any good.  But talking and writing about it just might.  I’ve looked up the contact information for my government officials.  I’m drafting some letters, not to complain, but to explain.  We can do better and if they aren’t willing to act, we can do better in the next election.  I’ll tell them what is important to me and those around me.  Maybe I’ll incite others to speak up and to write about their concerns.   It’s our country and it is time that we take it back.

The extra weight of my worries about this country that I have carried around is affecting my health and the health of those I love.  I’ve earned gold medals in the worried triathlon for years.  This isn’t going to be easy.  I’m going to start slow by lifting my pen and doing a few reps.  I’ll speak clearly so my representatives don’t get confused.  TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK from the entitlements, the crime and the hate that divides us.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Anarchist or Patriot?

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently referred to the Tea Party as “anarchists” and “obstructionists.”  I find it humorous that Reid would refer to anyone as obstructionist, since he has prevented the Senate from passing a budget since April, 2009.  In 2011, Senator Reid declared it would be "foolish for us to do a budget." (Wall Street Journal, October 30, 2012)

The current government shutdown and debt crisis will likely be blamed on the Republicans because they have voted for legislation that would delay or defund the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), but I don’t think they are the real culprits.  After the US House of Representatives passed continuing resolution legislation, Harry Reid announced that “We are not going to negotiate” on this legislation and stressed that the Democrats and President Obama “are not going to be bullied.” (, September 30, 2013).

Harry is an obstructionist, but that’s only part of the story.  Harry also stated in his speech in the Senate that “Today, the Republican Party has been infected by a small but destructive faction that would rather tear down the House our Founders built than govern from it.”   I find it interesting that Harry would invoke the memory of the Founding Fathers, when Harry and his party act more like those that the Founding Fathers rebelled against.

The Democrats forced Obamacare through both the House and Senate. Then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stated, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”  Once it was passed, Obama proceeded to waive compliance with the ACA law for certain groups.  In other words, Obama decided who must comply with the law and who is exempt from the law.

Additionally, when the state of Arizona passed legislation to curtail illegal immigration, Obama’s Department of Justice sued the state in federal court.  Furthermore, Obama issued a directive to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials not to enforce immigration laws in cases where an illegal alien is the primary provider for any minor child—regardless of the child’s immigration status—or the parent or guardian of a child who is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident. (, September 16, 2013).  Failing to uphold or enforce the laws of the United States is a violation of the Presidential Oath of Office as mandated by Article two, Section one, Clause eight of the US Constitution.

When our Founding Fathers broke ties with Great Britain, they wrote the Declaration of Independence to enumerate their grievances against the Crown and legitimize their rebellion in the eyes of the world. Many of their grievances against King George hold true today against Obama and his Democratic party.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

Our Founding Fathers wrote, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

I checked my dictionary and the definition of anarchist is “a person who seeks to overturn by violence all constituted forms and institutions of society and government, with no purpose of establishing any other system of order in the place of that destroyed.”  Those of us who want a smaller government, fewer taxes, less debt, and a more responsive government that abides by the US Constitution aren’t advocating an overthrow of the government.  We aren’t anarchists, we are patriots.  All we want is what our Founding Fathers fought for 237 years ago, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Through Harry Reid, some members of the Democratic Party and our President, we are enduring “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism”.  It is time to throw off such government by voting Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Obama and their cronies out of office.  It’s time to make it a government of the people, by the people, and for the people again.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Be Humble

A recent sermon really struck a chord with me.  The sermon, “Honor or Humility”, was based on Luke Chapter 14, verses 7-14.  In this passage, Christ tells a parable about guests at a feast, and how one should not seek out the place of honor at the table for fear that the host may ask the guest to move to make way for someone more important. Likewise, someone who sits at a less important spot at the table may be asked to move to a more prestigious place.  The parable is a lesson in humility and Christ ends the parable by warning us, “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

It seems that humility is in short supply these days.  How often do we see people, in order to achieve or maintain that “15 minutes of fame”, do something that is embarrassing or debasing?  There are plenty of stories of athletes who cheated to get ahead.  And if you look around, you will see lots of people with a “me-first” attitude, those who are driving aggressively or having loud cell phone conversations in restaurants.  As matter of fact, in today’s society you’ll have a hard time finding people who aren’t preoccupied with themselves or seeking attention.

What is humility and why should we be humble? Having humility doesn’t mean you have to feel bad about yourself or you must have a low self-opinion.  And it is not about feeling inferior; humility should not be confused with humiliation.  Humility is a true self-understanding; being able to make a realistic self-assessment without illusion or pretense.  If we are humble, then we can focus on honesty and realism.  And humility allows us to serve others, for their sake, instead of our own.

Participation awards and responding to demands for instant gratification certainly don’t breed humility.  In this society, where so many clamor for attention, achieving humility will be difficult.  I believe that much of the “good” people do in this world is not to help others, but is done so that people can feel good about themselves. How many write a check instead of donating their time?  We hear about helping the poor and underprivileged, and people advocating and voting for government programs to help those less fortunate.  Sure, you can feel good about yourself because you are helping.  But what about volunteering your time to help those people?   What if you actually gave of yourself?  I know,” it’s inconvenient” or “it’s difficult” or whatever excuse you can find why you can’t do it.  To be humble, give of yourself without expecting anything in return; something as simple as giving your undivided attention to a conversation with others and resisting the urge to lead the conversation.

Being humble does not mean we cannot be ambitious or self-confident.  But if our ambition is only to amass material things or to be the center of attention, what is our purpose once we achieve our goal?  Ask any movie star or company president if it is difficult to stay on top.  It can consume your life and in the end, fame is fleeting.  Perhaps, our ambitions should be more humble and less self-serving.   Who knows, maybe taking the path of humility will lead to less anxiety, fear, and depression?  There is joy to be had when serving others, to be unassuming or to grow the conversation without leading it.  You are likely to be welcomed at more tables if others don’t assume you will place yourself at the head of the table.

So reduce your stress and the stress of those around you.  Don’t try to be the loudest or most noticed person in the room.  Give your time to someone without expecting anything in return.  Be your true self without pretense.  Live in the moment without posturing for what may come next.  To reduce your stress and better the world, try a little humility.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Enough is Enough!

by John Galt

Enough is enough.  Livelihoods, if not lives, are at stake.  I’ve endured sequestration, budget cuts, tax increases, you name it.  I don’t go out to eat.  I don’t go to the movies.  I buy what I need, but not always what I want.  I've prioritized my spending and eliminated waste.  I waved off physical therapy for my feet because I can still walk and a little pain won’t slow me down.  Therapy just wasn't in the budget.

I've done exactly what I expect my government to do.  I expect them to live within a budget, prioritize purchases, and weigh the pros and cons even down to medical care decisions.  But, have they?  As we stare wide eyed at the oncoming sequestration Round Two, what did we learn?  Well, speaking from the point of view of the tax payer, I had some waste in my budget.  Anything labeled entertainment or fun was labeled waste and cut from my budget.  But I work really hard from my money, so shouldn't there be some allotment to enjoy?  Maybe dinner out and a movie?  When do I get that luxury back?  When will the government let me keep enough to enjoy the fruits of my labor?

Luckily, I've never had credit card debt…  Wait.  Isn't that buying stuff when you don’t have the money to pay for it?  I never did that.  I waited until I could afford it or decided I didn’t need it.  Fiscal restraint and living within my means were what my parents taught me.  Why does the government live under different rules?  Why do they continue to spend, all the while calling each other names and spending more time spinning the blame than solving the problem?

Well, enough is enough.  To my government I say, find a leader with a viable plan and get on the wagon.  Simply make a budget, cut the waste, and spend less than you have.  Stop talking about raising taxes.  I’m already paying enough and I am not seeing it well spent.  You don’t throw good after bad, my dad would say.  If the government were my neighbor and I saw them pulling into their driveway in a new Lexus, but their kids were hungry, their house was in disrepair, and their yard was overgrown, I’d call them out and challenge their priorities.  If they were my family and this happened, we’d have words and if they didn't listen, I’d drop a dime and call mom.  She didn't raise her kids to be reckless with their future.

So, stop playing make-believe with our future, we cannot afford it.  Challenge the government to answer what do they need and what can we afford.  Get our budget under control.  Stop throwing around blame.  Fix the problem.  At this point, I don’t care who started it.  I just want to go out to dinner while one of the restaurants in town is still open for business.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Deja Vu

As Yogi Berra would say, “its déjà vu all over again.”  With just a few days left in the fiscal year, Congress must pass, yet again, a continuing resolution to keep the federal government operating or face a shutdown of non-essential federal government functions.  It’s a familiar situation. Since 2009, when the Senate last passed a budget, there have been ten continuing resolutions.  Although it appeared a shutdown was eminent in some cases, Congress reached budget agreements and avoided disruption of the government.  But things are different this time.

The US House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution bill last week that provides funding for the federal government for six months.  But, this bill prohibits funding of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and some provisions of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.  This is the 42nd time Congress has tried to repeal or undermine Obamacare legislation.  The next step for the continuing resolution bill is the Senate.  As you might imagine, the Democrat-controlled Senate and President Obama are against it.  Obama said he would veto the bill if it’s presented to him.

Now the fight over the legislation moves to the Senate.  Will the Senate strip out the defunding language and send the bill back to the House or will Senate Republicans stand on principle and force a shutdown? Senate Republicans could force a vote on the bill, putting Senate Democrats facing reelection next year in a precarious situation, voting to fund the very thing that many voters back home don’t want.  Or the Republicans could prevent a vote on the bill and force a shutdown in hopes that Democrats will eventually concede.  The problem is, regardless of outcome, Obamacare will still go forward on October 1, because it relies primarily on mandatory spending, similar to Medicare and Social Security, which are unaffected by a government shutdown. 

And a shutdown could have serious repercussions on the economy because most federal employees will not be paid and companies that do with business with the government will be affected.  This will affect over 1 million federal employees and millions in federal contracts.  The uncertainty of a shutdown will have a negative impact on country’s economic growth according to the Congressional Budget Office.  And the effects don’t end with the federal employees or federal contractors, they have less to spend and less to invest.

At the moment, it appears that a majority of people want Obamacare repealed, but a majority also doesn’t want a shutdown.  With the government nearing the debt ceiling (again) in just a few weeks, it’s time for Congress to stop playing politics and do the job we elected them to do.  Contact your Senators ( and let them know what you want them to do concerning the budget.  And call Senator Harry Reid (202-224-3542) and let him know it’s time the Senate did its job.