Monday, June 25, 2012

What Do You Give Up To Get?

“Click here to win a free IPod!” “You may already be a winner!” “Enter to win a free vacation (or car, house, makeover, computer, etc).”  I see these offers quite often.  How often do your kids tease to enter a sweepstakes?  They respond to the perceived instant gratification of getting something they want for nothing without considering either the odds of winning or the consequences of their entry.  I am always skeptical of the odds of winning and the truth of the offer.  Read the fine print—odds of winning are one in many millions and substitutions may occur.  I believe the adage “there’s no such thing as a free lunch,” so what do I have to give up to win? 

Fill out a sweepstakes card; you’re liable to end up with a pile of junk mail in your mailbox or never-ending sales calls.  Click on one of the links to enter a sweepstakes, at best your email inbox fills with advertisements and spam.  Worst case, your computer is infected with malware or a virus.  You give up your time and privacy for a “free” chance to win and one in a million odds.  People running for political office often make promises to prospective voters, hoping to win their votes.  Lower taxes, more jobs, better roads, more social programs; the list of promises is endless.  But what do these promises cost?  You have to give up something to get something.  Finances and resources are finite. 

I watched a segment of an old BBC documentary, “The World at War” about the rise of Nazi Germany prior to WWII.  A German citizen was asked how the German people could allow Hitler to come to power.  The gentleman responded, “He promised bread and jobs. As we had no bread and no jobs, we were desperate for both. It was only later that we learned the cost of the bread and the jobs.” Indeed, the cost of the bread and jobs, in addition to the six years of war, the millions of Jews and Germans killed, and the near destruction of Germany, was the loss of civil liberties.  As early as 1933, the Nazis began suspending civil liberties. The Reichstag Fire Decree and the Enabling Act stripped German citizens of the same rights that are protected by the US Constitution.  Although these rights were protected by the German constitution at the time, the Nazi Party suspended those rights at the cost of bread and jobs.

During the run-up to the US elections this November, candidates will make many promises.  Do you know the costs of those promises, above and beyond the monetary costs?  Of course, uninformed political decisions have much more dire consequences than the spam resulting from sweepstakes entries.  In your daily life, when confronted by seemingly free offers, ask yourself what do you give up to get?

Democracy Died?

I watched the recent recall election in Wisconsin with interest, given that it was only the third recall election for a governor in this country’s history.  By all appearances, the governor was doing a great job - reducing unemployment, reducing the deficit and there are no allegations of misconduct - yet a recall election was invoked.  In this country’s two previous recall elections, both incumbent governors lost.  The last recall election, the 2003 California governor recall election, brought Arnold Schwarzenegger to office.

Scott Walker came to office in 2010 on a pledge to do something about the state’s $3.6 billion budget deficit.  After 16 months in office, the state has a $154 million surplus, property taxes have dropped for the first time in a decade, and unemployment dropped from 7.6% to 6.6%. According to CBS News, 52% of exit poll respondents approved of Walker’s job as governor.

What prompted the recall?  In order to reduce the deficit, he introduced the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, which among other things lowered the cost of state employees by limiting collective bargaining for wages, and increasing the amount state employees must contribute to their pension and health insurance premiums.  Incensed, the state unions and the state Democratic Party initiated the recall movement, collecting enough petition signatures - more than 900,000 - to justify a recall election. 

During a live CNN broadcast on election night, a man told the CNN reporter that “Democracy died tonight.”  That caught my attention! What prompted this man to say that? I wanted to find out, so I did some research.  If voter participation is a measure of an active democracy, how many voted?  Was this truly the death of democracy?

In the 2010 Wisconsin gubernatorial election, almost 2.2 million people voted.  Scott Walker won with 52.3% of the vote.  Tom Barrett received 46.5% of the vote. In the 2012 recall election, 2.5 million people voted.  Scott Walker received 53% of the vote and Tom Barrett received 46.3%. More people voted in the recall election than the original election.  That statistic would seem to indicate that the democratic process, or at least voter participation, is alive and well in Wisconsin. So, if it wasn’t voter participation that died, what was the death of democracy that the man cited?  Is it because vote of the majority didn’t go the way of this individual? It seems that the fact that this individual was free to vote and to express his opinion on the outcome demonstrates that democracy is alive and kicking.

Recall elections aren’t limited to governors.  In 2011, nine state senators faced a recall election. Seven of the nine were re-elected.  In addition to the Wisconsin governor’s race this year, the lieutenant governor and three state senators also faced recall elections.  All were re-elected save for one state senator.

Wisconsin held not one, but two recall elections.  The voter turnout in 2012 was greater than the 2010 gubernatorial election. The percentage of positive poll responses nearly equaled the percentage of the votes Walker received.  None of those facts support the claim that democracy died that night.

Was it political sour grapes? I don’t know.  However, I do believe that the inflammatory statement that democracy died is an indication that the rhetoric between now and November will become even uglier.  Regardless of one man’s opinion, facts show that democracy isn’t dead and buried.  I hope you dig past the political rhetoric and find truth supported by facts.  Before heading to the polls in November, educate yourself on the candidates and the issues, not just the hot-button issues such as same-sex marriage or abortion, but all the issues.  As Thomas Jefferson said,” The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate.”

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Texting and Driving

On Thursday, The Boston Globe reported that a Massachusetts judge sentenced a teenage driver to jail for causing a fatal crash.  The teen’s vehicle crossed the center line and hit another vehicle head-on.  One of the two occupants of the other vehicle was seriously injured. The second occupant of the other vehicle suffered massive injuries and died 18 days later after removal of life support.  The injuries and loss of life are tragic, more so because the teenage driver was texting while driving.

I googled “texting and driving” and the statistics are sobering. According to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, a driver is 23 times more likely to be involved in a car accident while texting and driving.  Texting and driving results in a 400 % increase in time spent with their focus away from the road. Texting while driving is roughly six times more likely to result in an accident than drunk driving.  Was it an accident or was it negligence?  Could this accident have been avoided if the teenager wasn’t texting? 

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration research indicates that nearly 6,000 people died and more than 500,000 were injured in crashes due to distracted drivers in 2008.  The same research shows 21% of fatal car crashes involving teenagers were the result of cell phone usage.
The teenager in Massachusetts, 17 years old at the time to of the accident and 18 at the time of sentencing, will spend a year in jail followed by a year of community service.  His license was suspended for 15 years. He’ll have to live with the knowledge that his negligence caused a death. Can you imagine defining your future on a single act?

Governments can pass laws to ban texting and driving.  The media can quote statistics ad nauseum in an attempt to convince people that texting and driving is a fatal mix. But ultimately, we must make the choice not to text and drive.  If you haven’t already watched the video “The Last Text” at , it is well worth your time.  And your kids’ time.

Before you think about sending or checking that text message, remember the words from a Massachusetts State Police statement, “…the victim’s family will always have an empty seat at their table, a hole in their lives, and only memories of the person they loved. That’s what distracted driving does.”

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Memorial Day

I spent Memorial Day like a lot of other Americans, barbecuing and enjoying the day off from work.  While enjoying the fruits of my grilling labor, I began to wonder what our servicemen and women would have for a Memorial Day meal, and under what conditions they would eat that meal.
I know Memorial Day is set aside to honor the more than one million men and women who paid the ultimate price in the service of their country. I realize the parades, the US flag at half-staff, the laying of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and all of the other events are tributes to lives lost in this country’s conflicts. But I couldn’t stop thinking that there were soldiers and marines, sailors and airmen eating MREs or having a meal in a chow hall far from home.
During World War II, 11.5% of the US population served in the military.  During Vietnam, 4.3% of the population served. Since 2001, approximately 1.4 million American service members have served in the War on Terror, or 0.45% of the US population, with over 6000 deaths and 48,000 casualties.  According to the Department of Defense website, at the end of 2011, there were roughly 1.2 million active military personnel in uniform with another nearly 900,000 in National Guard or Reserve units.
The United States has not had a military draft since 1975. Therefore, every soldier, sailor, marine, or airman currently serving chose to serve. They, and their families, make sacrifices and endure the hardships that come with military life because they chose to defend this nation.  They are the people who foot the bill for our freedom.
We should honor them and thank them for their service more than once or twice a year.  Thank a service member. Hug a soldier. Fly the US flag at your home. Put a yellow ribbon or an American flag sticker on your car.
But we should do more. Do something to show your appreciation. Donate your time, your money, and your talents.  The Military Family and Veterans Service Organizations of America website ( has a list of charity organizations that help veterans, military personnel, and their families.  Get involved with the Wounded Warrior Project ( or Sew Much Comfort ( or any of the other organizations listed.  Send letters and care packages to personnel overseas.  There are organizations that will accept care package item donations and ship them for you or will connect you with military personnel so you can send packages yourself.
We owe the existence of the United States to the men and women who serve, bleed, and die. General Patton said, “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” Show your gratitude to those who serve.

Friday, May 25, 2012


I see lots of bumper stickers during my daily drive to work.  Some are funny, some are impolite, and some are thought provoking.  One that provoked my thinking was “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.”  It got me to wondering, how do others view Christians?

Christians are in the news a lot these days.  Whether the issue is separation of church and state, alternate lifestyles, TV and movie content, or politics, Christians are quite often vilified for their stance on these and other subjects.  Why would followers of Christ, people who were commanded to “love thy neighbor” and “turn the other cheek” be vilified?

I wish I could say that Christians are vilified because of their adherence to their Christian values, refusing to condone immorality. I wish it is due to a misunderstanding of the beliefs of Christianity.  I wish I could say it comes about because Christians are persecuted for having a strong faith by people of uncertain faith and beliefs. I wish I could say that its simply because people, looking for acceptance of or justification for their beliefs, attitudes, and actions, lash out at Christians because Christians refuse to accept those beliefs, attitudes, and actions.

It would be satisfying to say it is due to those things, but I can’t.  David Kinnaman, in his book, UnChristian: What A New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity… and Why It Matters, discusses the negative perceptions people have towards Christianity. The primary negative perception is that Christians are hypocritical, saying one thing while doing another, pretending to be a virtuous and morally superior people.  

Face it, in many cases, the perception is warranted.  Churches, especially those in the South in the 1960s and earlier, preached of loving thy neighbor, but in practice, many church members loved their neighbor only if that neighbor had a certain skin color.  The Catholic sex abuse scandal adds to the hypocrisy perception because of the hypocritical actions of priests, but also those who participated in the cover-up.  When members of the Westboro Baptist Church picketed funerals of US service personnel and participated in other protests, carrying signs stating “God Hates Fags”, “God Hates Jews,” and “God Hates America”, there were no statements from the United Methodist Church, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Catholic Church or other major religious organizations denouncing the actions or statements of the Westboro members.  

While these examples contribute to the perception of hypocrisy, the real source of the hypocrisy is some of the Christians that people encounter daily.  In Mr. Kinnaman’s book, he reports that many people have had bad experiences in a church or with a Christian, representing nearly 50 million adults who admit they have significant emotional or spiritual baggage due to past encounters with so-called Christians.

How many times have you seen rude drivers with “I love Jesus” stickers on their car? How many times have you seen people participating in unchristian like activities while wearing a crucifix or a “What Would Jesus Do” wristband? What about congregations that seem cold and unfriendly to visitors?  It’s easy to point out the hypocrisy of others but hard to admit hypocrisy in ourselves.

Christ warned us about hypocrisy.  In His Sermon on the Mount, He tells us that performing acts of charity in order to be seen by others offers no reward in Heaven. He warns us not to pray as the hypocrites do, in public for show, but to pray genuinely in private. He warns us not to judge, lest we be judged.  He tells us to love and pray for our enemies as well as our neighbors.  It’s terribly difficult not to be hypocrite, ever.  Especially when dealing with rude, inconsiderate people or people who choose to act dishonestly or without integrity, it is difficult not to act in kind.  

Only God can see into the heart of a person and see the good there.  Others can only see your goodness through your actions.  But your actions may also illuminate your hypocrisy.  Be polite. Show compassion through words and actions. Greet a visitor (or church member) warmly at church and show them you’re glad they attended.  Do a good turn for someone, regardless of whether anyone sees it. As Christ commanded, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven (Matthew 5:17).

Christians aren’t perfect.  It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being genuine.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Uncommon Sense

I noticed a sticker on the big, foldable sunshield I use in the windshield of my truck while it is parked. The warning label states: “Warning: Do not drive with sunshade in place.” Since common sense tells me that driving with the sunshield in place would interfere with my vision, it would be pretty stupid to do so.  The printing and installation of the label costs the manufacturer, so either the manufacturer has experience with people attempting to drive with the sunshield in place or the manufacturer’s lawyers, assuming that people will be stupid, required the label in an attempt to avoid litigation. 
If you look around, you will see many similar warning labels.  “Warning: May cause drowsiness” on the package for a sleep aid, “This product not intended for use as a dental drill” in the instruction manual for a rotary power tool, “Do not spray in eyes” on glass cleaner, “No smoking” on a gasoline pump. All of these warnings should be intuitively obvious to someone with common sense.  Are these warning labels there to protect a small segment of the population or is a lack of common sense rampant in our society?  Based on the number of people I observe daily who drive while reading, texting, or performing other equally distracting actions, all of which common sense should tell them not to do, a lack of common sense is widespread. You may believe you can drive safely while texting but the rest of us beg to differ.
During a drive to a recent Scout camping trip, my son was reading aloud a collection of quotes. Most of the quotes were ostensibly geared towards teenage male humor because the three teenage boys were in tears from laughter, while I chuckled only occasionally.  However, one quote really caught everyone’s attention.  “Common sense is so rare; it should be classified as a super power.”
Wow! That stopped the laughter and brought about a conversation on common sense.  What I gathered from the conversation is they believe a lack of common sense is characterized by “people doing stupid things” and common sense is “people doing smart things.”  Not bad for teenagers, given the definition in the dictionary is “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.”
Sounds good, but what does it really mean?  Based on the definitions of judgment and perception, it means making a sound decision based on a simple understanding of the world around you.  Karl Albrecht, in his book, Practical Intelligence: The Art and Science of Common Sense, defines common sense as “the mental ability to cope with the challenges and opportunities of life".
Common sense requires a perception of the facts and situation grounded in reality, not your perception of reality. We all have equal access to common sense.  Common sense shouldn’t be uncommon. Don’t rely on the warning on a sticker to keep you safe. Exercise your super powers; engage your brain, observe the real situation and facts, not the situation and facts as you want them to be, and then act.

Monday, May 14, 2012


The Cleveland Plain Dealer, under the byline of Mark Naymik, carried a story concerning Cleveland, Ohio, Boy Scout Troop 983.  After 25 years, the troop is folding. In his article, (, Mr. Naymik states the troop is folding because of apathy.  You see, no one has stepped up to take over from the current leaders, who have been there from the beginning. The current leaders have attempted to find replacements for nearly a year, yet no one has stepped forward. It’s a shame that the community hasn’t stepped up.  Troop 983 is an inner-city troop and the Scouts come mainly from homes where there is only one parent or grandparents are raising the Scouts.
Kids need positive adult role models. They need those role models to mold their character, teach them right-from-wrong, and most importantly, be their champion. But if the role models aren’t in the home, where do kids find them? TV no longer has strong father figures like Ward Cleaver or Howard Cunningham.  The TV role models today are slackers, shirkers, and thugs. And positive female role models on TV are pretty scarce, too.  Sports figures, movie stars, and music stars, while idols to millions of our youth, are often poor role models.  Pick a few famous names, do a Google search, and you’ll see an abundance of misbehaviors in the results.
Charles Barkley famously stated in a Nike commercial, “I am not a role model.” While it raised quite a controversy, viewing Barkley as another spoiled, overpaid athlete, many failed to realize his true message. Barkley called for parents and teachers to quit looking to him to “raise your kids” and instead be role models themselves. If we can’t rely on parents to be role models, what can we do?
A study documented on the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine website found there is a strong relationship between adolescents having an adult mentor and a decreased participation in risky behaviors such as smoking, illicit drug use, risky sexual practices, and the carrying of weapons.  A Juvenile Justice System Bulletin, published by the Department of Justice in 1997, documented the effect of mentoring on youth participating in Big Brother/Big Sister programs.  That study found that mentored youth were 46% less likely to initiate drug use, 27% were less likely to initiate alcohol use, and 52% were less likely to be truant than youth who weren’t mentored.  The statistics are just as relevant today.
There’s the answer. Be a role model, be a mentor and set an example.  Volunteer to read to children in a school or library reading program. Volunteer with the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or Cub Scouts.  Be a Big Brother or Big Sister. Teach Sunday School. Coach a community league sports team.  If you volunteer that most precious of commodities, your time, you are likely to create a legacy that last far longer than your name on a hunk of granite in a cemetery.
I pray that someone steps forward to serve as leaders for Troop 983.  Boy Scouts is one program that sets a standard of conduct that has molded many of our leaders and achievers.  Time is a commodity that gives a greater return than money.  Your simple act of volunteerism will leave a mark on the community that grows exponentially with each youth that you mentor and every person they influence.  What worries me is that the same apathy can happen in my town.  If we are to save our communities, save our country, we have to start by saving our youth.